By Dr. G.S. Grewal
The Sikh nation, ever since the time of Guru Arjun Dev Ji has responded to
the Call of duty and resisted tyranny even at the cost of sacrificing their
lives. Guru Arjun Dev Ji chose to sacrifice his life for the principles of
Sikhism rather than hand over a sum of 25 lakh rupees demanded by Chandu
Shah. Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed his life to uphold the rights of Brahmans
to follow their religion and resist conversion by the fanatic emperor
Aurangzeb. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sacrificed his whole family and himself to
uphold the principle of Sikhism. Sikh history ever since has seen a
succession of martyrs who following the path of our Gurus, laid down their
lives on the altars of the Sikh religion man endeavour to keep it alive and
In this line of martyrs is included a humble, but brave and
forthright man, who came from rustic Village surroundings to become a
general in the Indian Army. His name was Shabeg Singh. Here is the story of
a man, who, when the call for duty came, gave up all the thoughts he had for
a peaceful retired life and died trying to serve his community.
General Shabeg Singh belonged to village Khiala, about nine miles from Am Chogwan
Road. The eldest son of Sardar Bhagwan Singh and Pritam Kaur. He had three
brothers and a sister. The family traced its lineage to great Sikh warrior,
Bhai Mehtab Singh who along with Bhai Sukha Singh slew the notorious Massa
Rangar in 1740 and thus avenged the desecration of the Golden Temple. The
family was well-to-do and prosperous and had good size of land holding of
over 100 acres. The village Khiala was earlier known as Khiala Nand
Singhwala. Nand Singh was the great grandfather of Shabeg Singh. Later on
the name got shortened to the mother of Shabeg Singh was devout lady but she
was very practical and a great disciplinarian. She never forgot to remind
her children and grand children that they were the descendents of Baba
Mehtab Singh and must live up to the family name. Sardar Bhagwan Singh was
the village Lambardar and remained quite occupied with the problems of the
village folk who always looked to him for guidance and depended greatly upon
his advice.
In 1952, the younger brothers Sardar Shamsher Singh, Sardar
Jaswant Singh along with their brother-in-law shifted to Haidwani in the
Terrai area of UP after having bought farmlands there. In 1957, Jaswant
Singh died. From his early childhood Shabeg Singh displayed qualifies of
leadership and intelligence much above that of the average village child. He
was quick witted and often spontaneously composed extemporaneous verses to
caricature interesting village personalities.
He displayed a keen interest
in history and literature and his village teachers were impressed with his
intellectual ability. They advised Sardar Bhagwan Singh and Pritam Kaur to
send him to a school. He was sent to Khalsa College Amritsar for secondary
education and from there to a Govt. College Lahore for higher education. He
was an outstanding foot ball and hockey player and excelled in athletics. At
the age of 18 years he had equalled the India records in 100 meters sprint
and was the District Broad jump champion. However, even though he had a
natural ability for sports he did not wish to pursue that as a career, his
mind was on the army, which was considered a noble profession. He excelled
in studies and generally topped his class.
In 1940, an officer’s selection
team visiting Lahore colleges were looking for fresh recruits to the Indian
Army officer’s cadre. Out of a large number of students, who applied, Shabeg
Singh was the only one to he selected from Government College and sent for
training in the officer training school. After training he was commissioned
in the second Punjab Regiment as a Second Lieutenant. Within a few days the
Regiment moved to Burma and joined the war against the Japanese, which was
then in progress. In 1944 when the war ended he was in Malaya with his unit.
After partition, when reorganization of the regiments took place, he joined
the Parachute brigade as a Paratrooper. He was posted in the 1st Para
battalion in which he remained till 1959.
By nature Gen Shabeg was a
voracious reader, he had read about every military campaign and knew the
biography of every military general of consequence. He had a natural flair
for history and loved reading. He could fluently speak Punjabi, Persian,
Urda, Gorkhali besides English and Hindi. He was an instructor in the
Military Academy at Dehra Dun and held a number of important staff
appointments in various ranks In the army he had a reputation of being
fearless officer and one who did not tolerate any nonsense. People either
loved him or dreaded him because of his frank and forthright approach.
During the course of his service in the Indian army, Shabeg Singh fought in
every war that India participated in.
In 1947, he was at Naushera in Jammu
and Kashmir fighting against the Pakistan Army. While at Staff College, in
addition to the academic work, he set a record in winning three, point to
point and five flat races on horse back a record never equalled. Because of
his knowledge of military science and excellent grasp of military operations
he was appointed a Brigade Major after the staff course. As Brigade Major of
166 Infantry Brigade- a crack formation, he felt most at home when the
formation was out on military exercises.
In 1962 during the India-China war,
he was in North East Frontier Agency as a Lt Col in HQ four Corps where he
was GSO-J (Intelligence). In the 196S operations against Pakistan, he was in
the Haji Pir Sector in Jammu and Kashmir, commanding a battalion of Gorkha
troops. He commanded 3/11 Gorkha Rifles with distinction and was mentioned
in dispatches for the capture of important enemy positions on the Haji Pir
A few days before the battalion was to he launched into attack, the
Commanding Officer (that time Lieutenant Colonel) Shabeg Singh received a
telegram from his mother informing him that his father had expired. Being
the eldest he quietly put the telegram in his pocket and no one in his
battalion even knew that the commanding officer had lost his father on the
eve of battle, only when the operations were over, did he apply for leave
and perform his duty of consoling his mother and family. His mother, Pritam
Kaur, never asked why he had not been reached for performing the last rites.
Everything was understood the call of duty to defend the nation's frontiers
was of primary importance
Soon after the 1965 operations, Shabeg became Col
G.S. of an infantry division, after which he was given command of the crack
19 Infantry brigade in Jammu Sector. In 1969 when the Eastern sector of India
was becoming deeply involved in Nagaland anti-insurgency operations he was
posted as Deputy GOC of the largest Indian Division - eight Mountain
Division which had nearly 50 thousand troops under command. With his
leadership qualities and employment of dare devil tactics he was greatly
successful in handling the counter-insurgency operations in that region.
Mukhti Bahini
In 1971, when the political turmoil in East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh) started and the Bengalis declared their intentions to separate,
the Yahya Khan Govt cracked down on the Bengalis, forcing them to flee to
neighbouring Indian States. India decided to intervene and in 1971 started
the clandestine insurgency operations in East Pakistan. The Indian Army
Chief Field Marshal Manekshaw specially selected Shabeg Singh, then a
brigadier, and made him in-charge of Delta Sector with lead Quarters at
Aggartala. He was given the responsibility of planning, organizing and
directing insurgency operations in the whole of Central and East Bangladesh.
Under his command were placed all the Bangladesh officers that had deserted
from the Pakistan Army. These included Col Osmani, as adviser, Maj
Zia-Ur-Rehman and Mohammad Mustaq. Zia Ur Rehman later became the President
of Bangladesh while Mustaq Mohammed became Bangladesh army chief. Starting
from about January to October 1971, the insurgency operations gradually grew
to such intensity that by the time war started, the Pakistan army in East
Bengal had completely lost their will to resist. The Indian Govt did not
want the world to know that the Indian Army was training and directing the
Bengali insurgents so all activities were very secret. Shabeg was so
thoroughly involved in these clandestine operations that for five months
from December 70 to April 71, his family had no news about his whereabouts.
They believed he was till in Nagaland and wondered why he did not write
because he had always been regular in writing home to his wife. In April
1970, the first letter was received from the Civilian address of a Merchant
shop in Aggartala and his name was written as S. Baigh, such was the nature
of secrecy maintained of the Army's involvement in the insurgency movement.
The wife was quite confused and the family wondered what was going on
because the letter was very brief and just said, "don't worry I am ok."
Meanwhile as the Mukti Bahini got bolder, the Pak Army in the East began to
grow demoralized due to the onslaught. It got so widely dispersed in trying
to contain the 'Mukti Bahini' that when the Indian Army launched its
operations in Nov. 1971 they were able to walk through to Dacca, virtually
unopposed. Over one hundred thousand enemy troops with the complete general
staff surrendered, leading to the emergence of Bangladesh. The credit of
this great achievement was mainly due to the efforts of Shabeg Singh, who
spent day and night organizing, motivating and training young Bengali youth
to fight for their land. Such was the motivation of a Bengali youth force
known as Mukti Bahini and so perfect the direction of their operation that
no senior administrative officer felt safe in Bengal. Guerrilla strikes were
launched on five star hotels and on ships in Chittagong harbour to show the
extent of power which the Mukti Bahini wielded. Strategic bridges were
destroyed, factories closed and movement within Bangladesh restricted
resulting in a paralysis of the economy. No doubt it was a cakewalk for the
Indian Army when the actual operations were launched. The Indian government
promoted Shabeg Singh to the post of Major General and awarded him the Param
Vashist Sewa Medal in recognition of his services. He had earlier been
awarded the Ati Vashist Sewa Medal also.
He was made General Officer Command
of MP Bihar and Orissa. The Jaya Pyakash Narayan movement had started during
1972-73 and became a serious threat to the Indira Govt. Police were
sympathetic with JP and his followers, so the Government decided to use the
Army. Gen Shabeg was asked to arrest JP and take some harsh measure against
his followers but he refused saying this was not his job. The result was
that the Congress Govt later instituted a CBI inquiry to harass him on
cooked-up charges and he was out posted of the area. After the Indo-Pak
wall, all the Pakistani POWs were under his jurisdiction and senior General
Staff were kept at Jabalpur which was also the HQs of MP.Bihar and Orissa
area. Due to jealousy of certain senior army officers and the policy of the
Indian government not to promote outstanding Sikh generals, he was not given
the command of a Division which was a move of the Army for denying him
promotion. Here was a field commander with so much war experience-denied
command of a combat formation. Why so? Only to do deny him promotion when
his name came up. While he was posted as GOC of the UP Area HQs in whose
jurisdiction the Kumaon Regimental Center is placed, it was found that the
commander of the Kumaon Military Farm had given a large sum money to the
Chief, Gen Raina, who was himself from the same regiment. A court of inquiry
discovered that General Raina, Army received over two hundred thousand
rupees from the Kumaon farm to meet expenses for his daughter's marriage.
When this information was brought to the notice of the General Office
Commanding, Shabeg Singh; he told Gen Raina about the findings of the Court
of Inquiry and requested the chief to return the amount as the Military farm
of the Kumaon Regt was already running a loss.
The result was that Gen Shabeg was promptly posted out of the this indiscretion and the inquiry
hushed up. The forthwith posting was an unprecedented action because
peacetime postings are never conducted on such emergency basis. Soon after
that the Army instituted a court of inquiry against Gen Shabeg Singh which
dragged on for one year till the date of his retirement on May, 1 1976. The
main charge against the General had accepted a plaque costing Rs 2500 as a
gift on his positing out of Jabalpur area HQs. -Even though a similar
present had been predecessor and it is common for senior officers to accept
such gifts. However, in the case of Gen Shabeg it became an offence. Some
other flimsy charges were also made like allowing his official house land to
be used for cultivation purposes and permitting sale of goods purchased from
customs in the area HQs Canteen. These practices had been in vogue even
before Gen had taken command of the area in 1972. The vindictiveness of
Indian Government and the Army Chief was made obvious, when one day prior of
Gen Shabeg's retirement, on April 30, 1976 the hero of Mukti Bahini, a
highly decorated general with PVSM & AVSM, who had been actively involved in
every operation that Indian Army fought since his joining service and who
spent the major portion of his life in field areas separated from the cost
of his wife's health and the education of his children was dismissed from
the Army. Such was the treatment meted out to a brave soldier and an
outstanding General, a leader of men, whom the Indian government and some
senior Army officers in 1984 after Operation Blue Star dubbed as
'disgruntled' and frustrated because he was loyal to his community and
fought for its honour and to protect the Golden Temple against the Army
Soldier Of The Panth
Gen Shabeg Singh was convinced, even while he
was still serving in the Army, that the Hindu Government of India would
never allow the Sikhs freedom in Punjab. He was aware of the discrimination
against Sikhs in denying them promotions and the general hostility of the
Hindu Govt. who were set to weed out the Sikhs from the Army. The general
reduction in the strength of Sikhs in the Army and the policy of the Govt.
towards Sikhs in Punjab by denying them capital industry, restricting the
Sikh peasant to farming of wheat and crops whose prices were also controlled
to deny them full reward. The denial of full and fare shares of river waters
were apart of an overall conspiracy to deny Sikhs their legitimate due. At
the same time the propaganda of the Indian Government against the Sikhs,
painting them as communal and ensuring that Punjab state gradually became
poorer was a device to humble the Sikhs. Their demand for autonomy was
treated as treachery and anti-patriotic by the Govt, and the Hindu dominated
press vociferously branded the Sikh demands as secessionist. The beleaguered
Sikhs had no way to voice their grievances, they were not properly
organized, they had no press which commanded international attention. The
Indian Government was well aware of these weaknesses of Sikhs and they
exploited these to further weaken and subjugate them. The Akali party as
painted as party of uneducated, unlettered, obscurantist Sikhs so that
belonging to intelligentsia, shied away from it. The Akalis in turn were
suspicious of these former Government servants and doubted their loyalties.
This resulted in growing gap between the Sikh Intelligentsia and Sikh
politicians. The Hindu government was happy at this state of affairs and
made full use of the weakness of Sikhs.
Retired Sikh Army officers as well
as Civil Administration preferred to join the Congress rather than a Sikh
political party. In 1977, Gen Shabeg Singh decided to throw-in his lot with
the Akali Party as it was the only party in Punjab which could fight for the
rights of the Sikhs. He met Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tohra and offered to work
as a soldier of Panth. The SGPC president was initially hesitant and distant
but gradually was won over by the sincerity of the general and started
seeking his advice important matters like associating Sikh Intelligentsia
and ex servicemen with the Akali Morcha.
The Indian Government was quick to
notice Gen Shabeg's joining the Akali movement and started sending messages
for him to disassociate with politicians or face serious consequences. It
was the way of Shabeg Singh that once he took a decision, he stuck to it and
refused to be shaken from his resolve. His brother, who was progressive and
well -to- do farmer and an active political worker in the Terrai at Bazpur
became the first victim of the Government's aggression on the family. The
local Congress leader along with the police connived to finish him and he
was killed by the Brahmin leader in 1978.The same congressman has ever since
been terrifying the Sikhs in that area. The loss of his younger brother, was
a big blow to Shabeg Singh but his resolve not weaken. The general and his
family members were harassed, the CBI tried to implicate the general in a
case of alleged misappropriation of wealth and dragged on the case till 1983
Dec., to embarrass and harass him. Eventually the case fell through due to
its flimsiness and the acquitted general to his son, "These CBI official
knowing too well the weakness of their case and feeling ashamed of their
vain attempts to slander me could not bear to look me in the face." For five
years he had to bear with this govt. sponsored harassment only because he
had opted to politics and not taken repressive means against Jaya Prakash
Narain's movement a few years earlier.
Akali Morcha
Gen Shabeg Singh was
very active during the Akali agitation of 1980 to 84. He courted arrest a
number of times and won the hearts of the agitationist who saw that here was
one leader who did not accept any preferential treatment in prison. He slept
on the floor on a single rug and gave his cot to any old or infirm
co-prisoner. He cared for their wants and protested to jail authorities for
better conditions for the old and weak agitationists. He won the respect of
his colleagues and other leaders like Prakash Singh Badal, Balwant Singh,
H.S. Dhindsa aid Vice Chancellor B.S. Samundri. Most Akali leaders liked and
appreciated his work and sense of dedication. All those who associated with
him were enthused by his Spirit He became popular with the people in Punjab
and was soon fully engrossed in his service to the "'Panth". During the
periods when he was out of jail he spent a major portion of his time in the
village at Khiala where his mother lived He did not care for the old age
comforts that he had planned for by constructing a comfortable house at
Dehra Dun. His wife too came to stay in the village where he spent most of
the time. This was in spite of her ill health due to a defective kidney and
hypertension and the neglect of their house at Dehra Dun.
Joining With Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
Punjab had become a leaderless state in 1982- or
perhaps there were two many leaders. The people of Punjab were confused.
There was Gurcharan Singh Tohra, Parkash Singh Badal, Sant Longowal, Jagdev
Singh Talwandi and a host of other big and small leaders. But everyone was
suspect in the eyes of the people thanks to the Govt. propaganda and
machination of Congress led by Gandhi. Into the scene now stepped another
leader, a charismatic personality. A saint and leader of the renowned 'Damdami
Taksal' Sant Jannail Singh Bhindranwale. A selfless, dedicated leader who
was frank, forthright and outspoken. He had but one interest only - the
interest of the Sikh community - the Khalsa. He did not mince words when he
attacked the deceitful politics of the Congress. He spoke out plainly on how
the Sikhs had been exploited, and how the Akalis', in spite of their
assertions, had fallen prey to the politics of deceit and disruption. They
were accused of neglecting Sikh interest when in power to appease the
Central Congress Government. People flocked to him. He soon emerged as the
undisputed leader of the Sikhs. His following grew at an alarming rate to
the discomfort of the Indira Government. When Gen Shabeg Singh met Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, he felt naturally attracted to this out spoken,
plain and bold man who was a natural leader and whose word, all Sikhs,
especially in rural Punjab, The two became closer and closer with passing
Conference Of Sikh Intelligentsia
In 1983 Gen Shabeg Singh and other
leaders suggested to Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and Sardar Gurcharan
Singh Tohra to get together the Sikh intellectuals and discuss the dangerous
situation that was being created by the Government, which was bent upon
exploiting the Sikhs to win popular Hindu support and how it could lead to a
breaking point. Gen Shabeg Singh worked ceaselessly in drafting letters and
inviting eminent Sikhs and ex-Army officers to attend the meeting which was
eventually held and all shades of Sikh leadership felt convinced of the need
of unity at this critical juncture. A very large number of retired army
personnel attended this meeting and this frightened the Govt. A resolution
was made that if need be, Sikhs would sacrifice their lives for the cause. A
line was drawn and all who agreed were asked to step across it. Gen Shabeg
Singh led the way. With passing time, the only way the Sikhs could escape
from the conflagrant situation that was developing was to remain united, but
the Govt was steadily working toward eroding any such moves because it had
already made up its mind to teach the Sikhs a lesson.
Indira Gandhi, developed a new strategy in dealing with the unwelcome emergence of Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. She cleverly planned to use the phenomenon to
finish Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and also win the support of Hindu
majority at the cost of the Sikhs. A massive smear campaign was launched to
denigrate the new leader who she knew would never compromise on principles.
The story of what followed is well known. With each passing day the
Governments shameless tirade against the Sikhs grew and grew. There was no
way for the Sikhs to respond but only by getting stuck deeper in the
Eventually Sant Bhindranwale and his loyalist were forced to seek
shelter in the apparent safety of Akal Takhat. The only hope of Sikhs was
unity of leadership but that was not to be. They were not strong enough to
repel an all out Govt attack, though they had the power to hold the police
and allied security forces at bay, perhaps for many months. Now Sant Jarnail
Singh needed Gen Shabeg Singh's help. The General was away at Dehra Dun
trying to recuperate from a serious heart attack that he had suffered a few
months before, while on one of his "Sikh Parchar" meetings.
A special
messenger reached the house at Dehra Dun in the middle of March1984, with a
message from Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale that he was needed at Amritsar.
After convalescence at Dehra Dun, Shabeg Singh and his wife had planned on a
visit to Hazur Sahib where his wife had pledged to offer prayers once his
CBI case was decided In Dec 1983 he had been acquitted of all charges. But
this visit was not to be. Without second thought and still not fully
recovered he left for Amritsar and that was last he saw his Dehra Dun home
which he had planned to spend a peaceful retirement in pursuit prayer and
meditation. At Amritsar, he got fully involved in setting up the defences
against Government attack on the Golden Temple complex. He had to plan his
defences such that they were inconspicuous because the pilgrims' movement to
the Golden Temple and around it had to remain unhindered. At the Same time,
the defences had to be very effective. He was in his element now. In the
service of his community he did not mind giving up his life. He had always
had a love for warfare and thought of death in battle a privilege. Perhaps
he had a hidden desire to die fighting and in the holy presence of our
Gurus. What better place then, than the Akal Takhat and the close proximity
of Harmandir Sahib and in the service of his community. Tirelessly he worked
against time with the prayer of Guru Gobind Singh on lips "Deh Shiva Var
Mohe……." In the past, whenever in war, he always offered this prayer.
an Army General he must have been very well aware of the odd against him. Re
had less than 200 young Khalsa youth to help him. Though these were no
ordinary youth. They were highly motivated, dedicated to the cause and each
one resolved to fight to the last when the time came Yet he knew that with
this small band, and hardly any resources with which to resist the might of
the Indian Army, he might surely be overwhelmed.
In the interest of the Sikh
cause, he did suggest to Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to leave the Akal
Takhat and seek refuge outside the country to carry on the struggle. But how could the head of Damdami Taksal accept such a suggestion however
practical it may have appeared. Perhaps Indira to knew and had calculated on
this. When the time came, he would prefer sacrifice and martyrdom in the
footsteps of Baha Deep Singh. Here was combination of two great traditions.
One, the head of the great Damdami Taksal and another a descendent of Bhai
Mehtab Singh who had at this very place slashed off the head of vile Massa
Rangar and carried it on his spear charging through the bewildered soldiers
of the Nawab 250 years earlier. In the meanwhile, the political situation
grew worse Indira Gandhi was playing her cards as per the game plan. Hindu
feelings against Sikh throughout the country had been sufficiently aroused
to condone any action against Sikhs including an assault on the Golden
Commandos had been rehearsed for months at Chakkratta. Come June
1984 and it was time to call in the army and administer the 'coupe de
The army leader had been carefully selected, Lt Gen R.S. Dayal
though the Chief of Staff to Gen Sunderji the Army Commander in charge of
the operation was yet given greater coverage by the Govt. dominated media to
show that the Army Sikh officers even at the highest level approved on the
Golden Temple. Major Gen K.S. Brar, a Sikh only in name, clean shaven,
married to an Anglo-Indian who smoked and drank and cared not for Sikhism,
these two were orchestrated as the leaders of the attack. Giani Zail Singh
who signed the papers for army action was the President of the country. How
clever of the 'Pandityani'. She had everything all set. On June 1 and June 2
Gen Brar himself went to asses the defences of the temple dressed as a
pilgrim and convinced his superiors the operation would take only six hours.
On June 3 at 9:30 a.m. Punjab, Amritsar was sealed off and no movement of
people allowed into the Golden Temple or out of it. At 8:30 a.m. that day
Gen Shabeg Singh had literally forced his mother, wife, sister-in-law and
nephew to leave the complex and go to the village. They had come there to
offer prayers on the Shaheedi Gurupurub of Guru Arjun Dev Singh which fell
on June 4 and make arrangements for the annual 'Chownki' which proceeds from
Harmandir Sahib to Gurusar the Gurdwara of Guru Hargobind Sahib. The Chownki
(party carrying the Guru Granth Sahib) halts at village Khiala which is on
the way. Soft drinks, tea and snacks are served to everyone and this duty
had been performed by Pritam Kaur, General Shabeg Singh's mother since many,
many years. Even if she was alone, she made sure arrangements for the
Chowmki's were made by the village folks At Harmandir Sahib, thousands of
pilgrims who had come for the annual occasion could not leave before 9:30
a.m. and were trapped, many thousands would lose their lives in the massacre
that was about to be unleashed by the power-hungry Indira and her stooges.
Sikhs would be presented with another group of martyrs. The last chapter in
the lives of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Bhai Amrik Singh and Gen
Shabeg Singh along with those valiant youth who fought for the honour of
Golden Temple and the Sikhs was about to close. So too would be lost the
lives of thousands of innocent pilgrims whilst those spared would rot in
camps and prisons of the Indian Govt. for many years.
Yet a new chapter in
the history of the Sikhs was about to begin. Ever since Blue Star, tens of
thousands of Sikh youth have lost their lives in the struggle to achieve Khalistan, a land which the Sikhs can call their own. A place where they
will be the masters of their destiny and not be exploited by any
unscrupulous and power hungry Hindu politician like Indira or Rajiv. Sikhs
cannot rest until they have our own homeland where coming generations of
Sikhs can enjoy the fruits of liberty and pursue happiness in a democratic
The sacrifices of those tens of thousands shall not be allowed to
be in vain. By the Grace of Waheguru the Sikh phoenix will rise from its
ashes to soar higher. That day shall not be too faraway when the blood of
our martyrs shall bear fruit.
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