Human Rights
International Human Rights Organisation
In India where rule of law is inherent in each and every action and
right to life and liberty is prized fundamental right adorning highest
place amongst all important fundamental rights, instances of torture and
using third degree methods upon suspects during illegal detention and
police remand casts a slur on the very system of administration. Human
rights takes a back seat in this depressing scenario. Use of excessive
force and exceeding lawful authority by the police, resulting in death
in custody, have become quite common. If torture of a suspect during
police custody is inhuman, causing death by beating in police custody is
even more inhuman. Custodial death is perhaps one of the worst crimes in
a civilized society governed by the Rule of Law. It is indeed a matter
of great concern for every human being. Thinking of the pain and trauma
that a victim suffers due to torture, the protection of his life and
liberty from such inhuman treatment becomes the most sacred duty of
every authority who cares for human rights. In custodial crimes, not
only the infliction of body pain is worrisome, but also the trauma and
mental agony which a person undergoes within the four walls of police
station or lock-up. Whether it is third degree torture or death in
police custody, the extent of annoyance caused to the humanity is beyond
the purview of law. Repeated incidents of Custody deaths in the country
have not only shaken the people’s conscience, forcing them to take to
the street against the inhuman torture techniques adopted by the police,
but has also highlighted the hostile attitude of law enforcing agencies
in containing such heinous crime against the humanity. The sad part of
the story is that the force which is supposed to protect the life and
liberty of the citizen when behaves inhumanly and perpetrate crime it
brings to fore the most crude form of violence against the whole
humanity. It undoubtedly, encourages lawlessness and breeds contempt for
law. The rights inherent in Article 21 and 22(I) of the Constitution of
India require to be zealously and scrupulously protected.
Custodial violence including torture, death and staged encounter,
strikes a blow at the Rule of Law, which demands that the powers of the
executive should not only be derived from law but also that the same
should be limited by law. Inspite of clear prohibition in law from
subjecting third degree torture upon any person, Supreme Court and
various High Courts and even the National Human Rights Commission and
State Human Rights Commissions across the country are over flooded with
complaints of custodial torture and deaths in police custody or fake
encounters. According to a statement placed in the Lok Sabha in 2000,
more than seven hundred and ninety persons lost their lives in police
custody in the country in the past. Unofficial figures even go upto five
figures. Showing deep concern over the increasing tendency among the
police officials in subjecting third degree torture upon the suspect
resulting in the custodial death of the suspect and the suppression of
such occurrences by the erring cops, the National Human Rights
Commission issued strict directions to all the State governments and
Union territories in 1993 as under:-
“In view of the rising number of incidents of custodial deaths and
custodial rapes and reported attempts to suppress or present a different
picture of these incidents with the lapse of time, the commission
directs to all the District Magistrates and Superintendents of Police of
every district in the country that they should report to the Secretary
General of the National Human Rights Commission about such incidents
within 24 hours of such occurrence or of these officers having come to
know about such incidents. Failure to report promptly would give rise to
presumption that there was an attempt to suppress the incident.”
In the forgotten corners of dusty police stations, lathi and roller
continue to make harsh contact with flesh and bone. So secretly is this
done, so discreetly, that the democratic nation which houses these
modest citadels of terror can continue to believe that it is indeed a
democracy. If you have ever been tortured by the Police, the term
“torture” is enough to make your backbone straight for the trauma of
such inhuman act leave a trail of mental disorders throughout the
lifetime. Experience shows that worst violations of human rights take
place during the course of investigation. The police with a view to
secure evidence or confession, often resort to third degree methods
including torture and adopts techniques of screening arrest by either
not recording the arrest or describing the deprivation of liberty merely
as a prolonged interrogation. Their acts of commission, corruption and
barbaric methods of torture, kidnapping and ransom, fake encounters,
eliminations and custodial deaths etc. put to shame any civilized
society. When corruption and greed intermingle in such a state of
affairs, many of the actions of the men in uniform take the form of
contract killing, extortion etc.
Police is no doubt, under a legal duty and has legitimate right to
arrest a criminal and to interrogate him during the investigation of an
offence but the law does not permit use of third degree methods or
torture of accused in custody during interrogation and investigation
with a view to solve the crime. End cannot justify the means. By
torturing a person and using third degree methods, the police would be
accomplishing behind the closed doors what the demand of our legal order
forbid. No society can permit it. The action of the State, however, must
be “right , just and fair”. Using any form of torture for extracting any
kind of information would neither be “right, nor just nor fair” and
therefore, would be impermissible, being offensive of Article 21.
The third report of the National Police Commission in India released in
1996, expressed deep concern at the increasing incidents of custodial
violence and deaths in lock-up. It took serious note of the demoralizing
effect which custodial torture was creating on the society as a whole.
It held that “the Protection of the individual from oppression and abuse
by the police and other enforcing officers is indeed a major interest in
a free society; but so is the effective prosecution of crime, an
interest which at times seems to be forgotten. The quality of a nation’s
civilization can be largely measured by the methods it uses in the
enforcement of criminal law. ”The Magna Carta of human rights, as it is
known, ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’, which marked the
emergence of a worldwide trend of Protection and guarantee of certain
basic human rights, stipulates in Article 5 that “ No one shall be
subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment.” Article 1 of the ‘Convention against Torture and other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading treatment or punishment’, defines torture as
“any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental
is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining
from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him
for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having
committed or intimidated or coercing him or a third person, or for any
reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering
is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or
acquiescence of a public official or that person acting in official
The Article 4 of the Convention says, “each state party shall ensure
that all acts of torture are declared as offence under its Criminal Law.”
The apex court as also various High Courts of the country have always
shed light to dispel the darkness of inhuman and brutal torture
techniques which amounts to an attack on the fundamental right to life
and liberty of the victim.
Justice S. Mohan of Supreme Court of India speaking for the bench in the
case of “Arvinder S. Bagga Vs. State of U.P.” aptly observed, “Torture
is not merely physical, there may be mental torture and psychological
torture calculated to create fright and submission to the demands or
commands. When the threats proceed from a person in authority and that
too by a police officer, the mental torture caused by it is even more
Justice Kuldip Singh and Justice Dr. A.S. Anand, the pillars of Human
Rights movement in India observed in the landmark Judgment on Custodial
crimes, titled “D.K.Basu Vs. State of West Bengal that “Custodial
violence, including torture and death in the lock ups, strikes a blow at
the Rule of Law, which demands that the powers of the executive should
not only be derived from law but also that the same should be limited by
law. Custodial Violence is a matter of concern. It is aggravated by the
fact that it is committed by persons who are supposed to be the
protectors of the citizens. It is committed under the shield of uniform
and authority in the four walls of a police station or lock-up, the
victim being totally helpless. The Protection of an individual from
torture and abuse by the police and other law enforcing officers is a
matter of deep concern in a free society. “Torture “ of a human being by
another human being is essentially an instrument to impose the will of
the “strong” over the “Weak” by suffering. The word “torture” today has
become synonymous with the darker side of human civilization. It is a
calculated assault on human dignity and whenever human dignity is
wounded, civilization takes a step backward—flag of humanity must on
each such occasion fly half-mast. In all custodial crimes what is of
real concern is not only infliction of body pain but also the mental
agony which a person undergoes within the four walls of police station
or lock-up. Whether it is physical assault or rape in police custody,
the extent of trauma, person experiences is beyond the purview of law.”
He further observed in another judgment on human rights dealing with the
effect of torture in the mind of common citizen, titled “ State of M.P.
Vs. Shayamsunder Trivedi and others” and held that “tortures in police
custody, which of late are on the increase, receive encouragement by
this type of an unrealistic approach of the courts because it reinforces
the belief in the mind of the police that no harm would come to them, if
an odd prisoner dies in the lock-up, because there would hardly be any
evidence available to the prosecution to directly implicate them within
the torture. Torture in custody flouts the basic rights of the citizens
recognized by the Indian Constitution and is an affront to human
dignity. Police excesses and the mal-treatment of detainees undertrial
prisoners or suspects tarnishes the image of any civilized nation and
encourages the men in “Khaki” to consider themselves to be above the law
and sometimes even to become law unto themselves.”
Historian Badriana P. Bartow also explained the trauma of torture in his
own words, “Torture is a wound in the soul so painful that sometimes you
can almost touch it, but it is also so intangible that there is no way
to heal it. Torture is anguish squeezing in your chest, cold as ice and
heavy as a stone paralyzing as sleep and dark as the abyss. Torture is
despair and fear and rage and hate. It is a desire to kill and destroy
including yourself.”
The temple of Justice, as he is known, Mr. Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer the
then Chief Justice of Supreme Court, dwelled in detail the evil of
torture in a case titled “ Raghubir Singh Vs. State of Haryana” and
observed, “we are really pained to note that such things should happen
in a country which is still governed by the Rule of Law. We cannot but
express our strong displeasure and disapproval of the conduct of the
concerned police officers. We are deeply disturbed by the diabolical
recurrence of police torture resulting in terrible scare in the minds of
common citizens that they are under a new peril which the guardians of
the law gore human rights to death. The vulnerability of human rights
assumes a traumatic, torture some poignancy when the violent violation
is perpetrated by the police arm of the State whose function is to
protect the citizen and not to commit gruesome offences against them as
has happened in this case. Police lock-up if reports in newspapers have
a streak of credence, are becoming more and more awesome cells. This
development is disastrous to our human rights awareness and humanist
constitutional order.”
In an attempt to weed out the evil of torture from the Police Stations,
Punjab & Haryana High Court in a Public Interest Litigation, titled,
“Dr.Vineeta Gupta and another Versus State of Punjab & others” reported
in Judicial Reports(Criminal) 1998 Page 561 held that no instruments of
torture would be kept in any Police Station in Punjab, Haryana and Union
Territory of Chandigarh and no person would be subjected to torture in
Police Custody.
Dr. Martin Luther King (Jr.) in a letter to his country men once wrote,
“Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of density.
Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”
It is a matter of common knowledge that when a complaint is made against
torture, death or injury in police custody, it is difficult to secure
evidence against the policemen responsible for resorting to third degree
methods since they are in charge of police stations easily manipulate
the record and tamper with the evidence. The courts and the judges, if
we may say so with respect, exhibit a total lack of sensitivity and a
“could not careless” attitude in appreciating the evidence on the record
and thereby condoning the barbaric third degree methods which are still
being used, at every police station, despite being illegal. They must
bring a change in their attitude particularly in cases involving
custodial crimes and should exhibit more sensitivity and a realistic
rather than a narrow technical approach, while dealing with such cases,
so that as far as possible within their powers, the guilty must not
escape and that the victim of the crime has the satisfaction that
ultimately the majesty of law has prevailed. Otherwise, the victim
becomes frustrated and contempt for law develops.
Figures shows that incidents of custodial violence and abuse of power by
the police have been largely reported in the states where militancy and
insurgent activities are at its peak. For example, Punjab and Kashmir
tops the list of States where thousands of innocent people have been
killed in fake encounters and summary executions. In Punjab, during the
period 1988-1995, thousands of people were killed by the Punjab police
in fake encounters, custodial deaths and summary executions. The
situation is no better even today. The Police has become man-eater and
resorting to extra-judicial methods is their favourite sport. There is
an un-declared war against human rights by the police force. Innocent
people are daily done to death in a very cruel manner which cannot be
described in words. Even the women and children are not spared. The
victim is tied upside down with pressure put on his head from below,
heavy iron roller applied on his sensitive parts. Petrol is put on
private and sensitive parts. He is mercilessly beaten with wooden stick
and iron rod. The legs are torn apart at 180 degree and then pressure is
put on the thighs. The nails are pulled and salt is put on the injuries.
Electric shocks are given in the private parts viz.. penis and
testicles. They are more brutally tortured and even killed publicly by
the devils in khaki. Still every justice loving person in the country
turns a blind eye to these gory details of police excesses when reported
in the newspapers quite often.
Many politicians or police authorities says that the State of Punjab is
now a peaceful state and the period of turbulence has gone for the good.
Rule of law has been restored and human rights of the people are most
respected. But the figures disclaim this theory. More than seventy five
reported custodial deaths in four years and a thousand reported
incidents of tortures of innocent people in police custody, casts a slur
on the law enforcing machinery in the State. It will be our endeavour
through this book to explore as to how far the State government and its
law enforcing agencies have been sensitive to the human rights issues
and respected the fundamental right to life and liberty of its subjects.
Here is a fact finding report by the organisation which needs pointing
attention of every justice loving person.
The tall claims of the Punjab government of restoration of rule of law
have proved a farce with custodial crime becoming an order of the day.
Policemen still consider themselves above the law. They have no fear of
law or the Court. They know that they will be exonerated in the name of
national security or maintenance of law and order. Their mindset is the
same as it was during the earlier days of State terrorism. Their actions
are the same. Rather, their authority has become more powerful with no
action against their illegal actions. Under these circumstances, it
would be foolish to claim of situation being under control. Even after
four years of the so-called popular rule in the State, the situation has
not changed a wee bit. The number of deaths have certainly gone down,
but the killer instinct of a rowdy and inhuman policeman is still the
same in the flesh and blood of the policemen. When more than seventy
people have lost their lives in Police custody since the Akali
government came into power, it would be a great folly to call it a State
ruled by law. While the government is under bounden duty to protect the
life and liberty of every citizen, loss of even a single life in Police
Custody, must bring the head of every responsible officer bow down in
shame. The moot reality is that the situation has been so badly mis-handled
that it has become critical and every peace loving citizen is feeling
insecure and prone to police brutality. Is it not a failure of the
government where the police force has turned man-eater and the courts
and the elected representatives of the people have closed its eyes and
ears? The answer to all these questions is emphatically “betrayal of the
It is a shocking state of affairs in Punjab. Not only the government has
failed to check its brutal force, the judiciary and the human rights
agencies have also miserably failed to show its presence. It seems to be
a matter of the past now that a judge is moved on reading the heart
rending news of torture death in the morning day newspaper and takes
suo-moto cognizance of the matter. Today the judges also do not feel
concerned on learning that innocent people are being killed like animals
in fake encounters, summary executions etc. One wonders if they would
feel disturbed on seeing and hearing the wails of torture victims in the
Police stations in Punjab. Every Court granting police remand of a
suspect fully knows that the suspect will be given inhuman third degree
treatment. It is their folly to believe that only third degree treatment
could extract the truth from the suspect. It is no secret that the first
thing a policeman does with the suspect in police remand is to give good
bashing and then tell his fault. The title page of this book showing the
policemen trying to put a shikanja ( knot with a rope) on a suspect,
clearly exhibits the mindset of the police force in the state even
today. Hats off to Mr.Amrik Saggu, Press photographer of “Daily Jagran”,
Jalandhar for shooting such a secret incident.
The deep study of the pattern and modus operandi of the policemen in
killing suspects in police custody vert recently have led us to hold
without any iota of doubt that whosoever is taken into custody by the
police is sure to loose his life, lest he is too hard to bear the police
torture, no matter, whether he is innocent or too poor to bribe the
Punjab Police, notorious for its fake encounters, custodial deaths and
other heinous crimes, received a blow, when the encounter theory of
killing a youth, Kashmir Singh of Pandori Rukman in Hoshiarpur district
on 14th March, 1997 came out to be a false one. Even the Sessions Court,
Hoshiarpur held the said incident to be a cold blooded murder of an
innocent youth by the policemen and convicted the police party. He
sentenced all the guilty police personnel to life imprisonment for the
offence of murder. A compensation of Rupees five lacs was also awarded
by the National Human Rights Commission to the next of kin of the
deceased. Similarly, the tale of torture method described by Sapinder
Singh, the brother of a victim of Police torture, Devinder Singh alias
Bhola, a youth of village Hassanpur in Ropar district who was tortured
to death on September 18, 1999 shook the conscience of every justice
loving person with grief. According to the eye-witnesses who were also
tortured during illegal custody, the victim was tied upside down with
pressure put on his head from below, heavy iron roller was applied on
his sensitive parts. Petrol was put on his private and sensitive parts.
He was mercilessly beaten with wooden stick and iron rod. His legs were
torn apart at 180 degree and then pressure was put on the thighs. The
nails were pulled and salt put on the injuries. Electric shocks were
given in the private parts viz.. penis and testicles. Not bearing the
inhuman torture, the victim succumbed to his injuries then and there.
The accused policemen who were arrested and brought to trial, have
recently been sentenced to life imprisonment for the custodial death.
Many victims of police brutality have even gone un-noticed. What was the
fault of Iqbal Singh of Jaitu in Faridkot when he was picked up by the
Muktsar police on January 5,2001 and was so badly tortured that he died
in the lock-up? But the police is so hardened liar that it claimed that
the victim had committed suicide by hanging himself in the bathroom of
the lock-up. Similar story was cooked up by the Police in the case of
Surinder Pal who died in Police Station Dasuya in District Hoshiarpur on
7th January, 2001. The same day Avtar Singh, a youth of Ludhiana was
shot dead by a militant turned Police Inspector Gurmeet Singh Pinky in
Ludhiana because he objected to their drinking session at a public
place. Is the life of these victims so valueless that the State
government or the Police authorities could not afford to pay ex-gratia
compensation to the next of the kin of the deceased killed by the
Policemen ? The tragedy does not end here. Exactly a month later in
2001, Jaspal Singh, a 17 year old Dalit youth of Village Saheri in
District Ropar fell to the torture methods of Punjab police and died in
Police Station Morinda on 7th February, 2001. To add insult to the
injury, every organ of administration including the civil and police
administration in the district tried their level best to save their
policemen who were responsible for the tragic death. The courts also
showed little concern at this dastardly act. Another dalit youth, Madan
Lal of Kapurthala was tortured to death in Police Station Kapurthala on
15th February, 2001.
One thing quite similar in all these incidents was that the police
authorities and district administration failed to take necessary action
against the guilty persons and even left no stone unturn to save the
erring policemen. No action was taken against any of the guilty
policemen, unless the masses came to the street and protested by laying
road blockades, dharnas and even gheraoed the police station. In other
words, the public outcries and street protests played an important role
for forcing the authorities to take strict action against the erring
One thing noticed in the case of prison death being quite common was
that in every case, the jail authorities cook up the theory of the
victim committing suicide in a fit of depression. It is not amazing that
in about twenty five cases of prison deaths reported to the Punjab State
Human Rights Commission, almost all the cases have the same theory of
suicide either by hanging or consuming some poisonous substance in the
cell. Still, the Commission failed in its duty to take such liar jail
authorities who not only killed the prisoners, but also attempted to
conceal the truth from the Commission. Although compensations have been
awarded to the next of kin of the victims, no criminal proceedings have
been initiated nor any jail official arrested or tried for murder, who
was found prima facie guilty of negligence in performing his duty which
resulted in the death of the prisoner.